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History of Hoval in the UK

Hoval Ltd in Newark-on-Trent, Nottinghamshire is the UK branch of the international Hoval Group based in Liechtenstein. Hoval is internationally regarded and recognised as a true leader and innovator in the commercial heating and ventilation industry. The Hoval brand name was registered in 1945 and is privately owned by members of the original family. There are many subsidiaries throughout Europe, and agencies and licensees across the world. The company has an international reputation for high quality, high efficiency, and environmentally advanced products, which range from the highly regarded commercial boilers such as the UltraGas, through to the cutting-edge air-to-air heat recovery technology.

Hoval originally came to the UK in 1958 and purchased the Farrar boiler works in 1961. Farrar was established in Newark in 1887 and supplied boilers and heating equipment to the extremities of the British Empire for 80 years prior to becoming a part of Hoval. Today, our UK manufacturing is still based on the original Farrar site in Newark.

As a company steeped in engineering tradition, Hoval Ltd has installed equipment for a wide range of clients including hospitals, prisons, sports stadiums, and schools, alongside many more. The UK production facility continues to build our highly regarded steel shell boilers and industrial steam boilers, such as the SR-Plus. These products are often installed alongside our wider range of heating technologies and indoor climate systems, which are manufactured in other Hoval factories throughout Europe.

In 2011 we began manufacturing energy recovery products. This included plate heat exchangers, followed later by rotary wheels.

Hoval's corporate philosophy talks of 'responsibility for energy and environment', and we continue to demonstrate this through the launch of our UltraGas 2 range in 2021. This not only incorporates all the benefits of the original UltraGas condensing boiler, but also leaves room for the developing worldwide measures aiming to reduce carbon emissions, particularly through the use of future fuels.